
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Becoming the best in Indie Music...They can help

View ImageThe recording industry is a very intimidating industry for newcomers and those without the best resources.  For those that do not have the best resources, researching the industry is the best way to be prepared for what the recording industry has to offer.  The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is trade organization that provides someone researching on the industry a vast amount of information. resources include, Key statistics, Piracy information, artists’ achievements, tools for parents and educators, tools for students doing reports, a news room, and a music notes blog.  In addition to all the tools and resources RIAA offers, it also works to protect artists and music labels First Amendment rights.  The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution guarantees citizens four freedoms.  The freedom that artists and music labels want to protect most is the Freedom of speech.

Most of what the Recording industry has to offer is audio.  If the Freedom of Speech were taken away from US citizens, the music industry would not survive.  All artists use this freedom to express their thoughts and connect with fans.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My speaker (Sir Richard Branson)

While watching Richard Branson’s life at 30,000 feet on, I gained a deeper understanding of the man and his business savvy.  I think any person that is going into business for them self or has aspirations of being a business owner should watch this video.  As future business owner, I am very inspired from his story.  After watching this video, anyone that is scared to take risks will rethink their mentality.  Sir Richard Branson is a person that thinks outside the box.  He sold his Virgin Records brand for Virgin Atlantic.  Many people thought this was a crazy move because he essentially was trading in the 4th biggest record company for the 25th ran ked airline.  He is a person that takes high risks and expects high rewards.

Richard Branson believes the Virgin brand stands for quality.  He has a lot of fun building his companies and the people that work for him enjoy their jobs.  He has built a company that is not scared to fail by taking risks.  Examples of his risk taking style are endless.  He has launched companies such as Virgin brides and Virgin condoms.  Both companies did not fair well, but his companies are very innovative.  With the many companies under the Virgin brand, Branson’s empire has a net worth around $25 billion and employs 55,000 people.  Those numbers make Virgin and Richard Branson extremely credible in business.

Branson builds trust with the audience with his business credibility and his extraordinary adventures and stories.  He has created a brand with incredible PR value.  Adding to Virgin’s PR value is his philanthropic endeavors.  He has used the term “capitalistic philanthropy” which means with extreme wealth and resource come extreme responsibility to give back.  With his wealth, Branson chooses to tackle the environment and alternative fuel research.  His work in protecting the environment also adds to his companies PR value.

Through Richard Branson’s speech, I have developed a greater understanding him and his business.  I will take a page out of his book and apply it to my business endeavors.  I will not limit my business to one thing.  I plan to diversify and add value to the company.  Taking calculated risks will also be a strategy I use.  If you are passionate about an idea, it should not matter what other people think.  I plan to work hard in things I am passionate about, even if it risky.  Ntice Music will be successful and I hope to meet Sir Richard to tell him his words inspired me.

Friday, October 15, 2010


If you are an up and coming R&B/Soul artist or someone that loves live music, this is the series for you.  Brought to the music lovers of Charlotte, NC by Nathan Smalls, R&B LIVE is a showcase for the serious recording artist.  Thursday night was the last night I had to enjoy before going back to work after a two-week break.  I had many choices of events and productions to pick that night, however, R&B LIVE seemed like the perfect spot.  Given that I have a passion for music and the business, it was a no-brainer to choose it. 
On this night, WGIV 103.3, which is the first black privately, owned station, partnered with the creators of R&B LIVE to promote the launch of Charlotte’s new classic soul/R&B station.  There was a live broadcast with radio personalities, Jus Jacinda and Big Pat.  Also, Christmas came early for the ladies in attendance.  WGIV representatives gave out earrings as an expression of appreciation to the Charlotte listeners.  In addition to the surprises and great music, attendees were surrounded by who’s who of Charlotte’s entertainment community.  On hand were music industry veterans, record label executives, producers, owner of NoDa nail salon, and the owner of WGIV.  If you came to network, the music was just an added bonus.
As I scanned the venue, I could tell the people in attendance were enjoying themselves.  The bar was jumping, people were networking, dancing, and enjoy the free food.  The only thing that I had small issue with was how long it took for the live music to begin.  The event started at 9pm, but the first act didn’t perform until sometime after 11pm.  Other than the late start time, the event was an overall great pick.
If you think what you heard here seems like a good time, you can go every Thursday to the Sunset Club @ 9pm and enjoy the sounds.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Business Team+Artist= SUCCESS

Back in the early day of Pop and Hip Hop, talent and a demo tape is what was needed to start a music career.  We have since evolved into a technological age where talent is at every click of a button.  As an indie artist, it is imperative that you form a strong business team. could just post a youtube video and "pop-off" that way, but you have a slim chance of becoming a success like Justin Beiber.  "choosing the right people for your business team is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make.  Rely on your inexperienced friends, and you could be stuck in the garage forever (Butler, S.)."

In the beginning stages, a personal manager may not be needed because there will not be much to handle.  However, if you have the resources to get a personal manager, DO IT!  He or she will be the go-to person to get things done.  Also, think about pursuing a music publisher.  Research ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC to see the services offered.  Lastly, get a publicist to handle you public relations and who has experience with media outlets.

Make sure you employ people who have passion about putting you first.  Adding a business team to help reach your career goals will eventually lead to success.

Butler, Susan.  How To...Hire A Good Team.  Billboard., 6/28/2008, Vol. 120 Issue 26. p 26-27

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5 Questions w/ Pradigy GT

I had the opportunity to interview Hip hop/Rock band, Pradigy GT.  The band is based out of Charlotte, NC.  Stay tuned, because you may see these guys on a national stage near you.

MT- What do you consider your group's sound and genre?

PGT- Pop, Hip Hop & Rock. Mainly Pop oriented bc it's so broad and mainstream.

MT- What do you plan to do different on the new album that wasn't done on the first EP? Do you have a title?

PGT- Sing more! I realized that people like to sing-along to our songs and it brings them closer to the live show.

MT- What current national recording artists do you wish to work with on upcoming material?
PGT- Kanye West. Keep posted on that one *wink, wink*

MT- I understand you recently had a change in the band. What do you expect the change in your sound to be without the bass?

PGT- Musically it won't be different. Stage swag will be different without our former bassist. We are trying different options to figure out the best way to move forward with live bass.

MT- Congratulations on being recently signed to a label. What direction do you see the band going in after being signed?

PGT-Up Up UP! We signed to BNR Records because they believe in us and our vision. We will be marketed and promoted better now.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Will.I.Am caused stir with VMA Black outfit

When Black Eyed Peas bandleader joined Nicki Minaj on stage during the VMA pre-show Sunday, outraged fans slammed the 35-year-old rapper's for appearing in blackface. Fans began twitting their disgust with the artist's choice of wardrobe. Adds TSCMoncton, "Anyone notice that painted himself in blackface? I sure hope there's some kind of meaning behind a stunt like that." Blackface -- which first gained popularity during the 19th century -- typically promotes racist stereotypes toward African Americans. In addition to the face paint he was wearing, wore head-to-toe black.
Personally, I don't have a problem with Will.I.Am wearing that outfit.  He is an artist expressing his artist beliefs.  For those that think its racist maybe should take a look in the mirror.  They may just be scared of a black man wearing all black.  Nicki Minaj looked great by the way!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

About Me

Charlotte, NC

My name is Jermaine and welcome to my blog.  I have had the pleasure of working with many creative individuals in the entertainment industry, professionals and aspirants.  With a desire to be a music mogul , I have gained experience in many aspects of the entertainment industry.   I started my journey as a music manager for hip hop group, First In Flight.  By securing magazine interviews, TV performance, shows, and  creative input I gain experience in artist development.  I have also gain experience in the world of fashion with my involvement in Charlotte NC Fashion Week.  I was a marketing coordinator for the 2008 and 2009 events.  I helped create a buzz for the start of a franchise by gaining access to local morning show Fox News Rising, guerilla marketing, securing sponsorship, show planning, and more.  I am currently booking agent for hip hop/rock band, Pradigy GT.

With the experience I have gained, I plan on moving to the next level on my quest to becoming a music mogul.

See you at the top!