
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Becoming the best in Indie Music...They can help

View ImageThe recording industry is a very intimidating industry for newcomers and those without the best resources.  For those that do not have the best resources, researching the industry is the best way to be prepared for what the recording industry has to offer.  The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is trade organization that provides someone researching on the industry a vast amount of information. resources include, Key statistics, Piracy information, artists’ achievements, tools for parents and educators, tools for students doing reports, a news room, and a music notes blog.  In addition to all the tools and resources RIAA offers, it also works to protect artists and music labels First Amendment rights.  The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution guarantees citizens four freedoms.  The freedom that artists and music labels want to protect most is the Freedom of speech.

Most of what the Recording industry has to offer is audio.  If the Freedom of Speech were taken away from US citizens, the music industry would not survive.  All artists use this freedom to express their thoughts and connect with fans.

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