
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Publicity vs Cries for Help

Celebrities in all forms of entertainment need attention to stay relevant and remain close to their fans.  To attract public notice, celebrities and their business team use publicity.  Publicity is information that concerns a person, group, event, or product and that is disseminated through various media outlets to attract public notice.  In recent entertainment news, representatives for Catherine Zeta-Jones confirmed Wednesday April 13th that she underwent inpatient treatment for bipolar II disorder.  As soon as the word was out, every entertainment media outlet was talking about it.  Local news and radio stations also covered the story.

Catherine Zeta-Jones has not starred in a movie since 2005’s The Legend of Zorro, which is the sequel to The Mask of Zorro in 1998.  Since 2005, she has concentrated on family life and stage performances.  With her representatives announcing that she recently underwent bipolar II disorder treatment, some would think it is just a publicity stunt.  She has 2 movies coming out in 2012; one in pre-production and the other is being filmed.  It has been reported that some think this announcement will damage her reputation.  I feel it is a well-designed act of publicity that will increase her fan base and lead to bigger roles.  Some people like to see celebrities down, but there are many more that love to see celebrities rise from adversity. 

Other celebrities have had their share of publicity like this.  Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Lindsey Lohan, and Nicole Richie have had their troubles broadcasted to the world.  Brittany Spears went bald at one point and was photographed cutting her own head.  This publicity soon was seen as a cry for help.  She lost custody of her children and had to be supervised.  We have yet to see her come back as the Brittany of old.  Lindsey Lohan is still having run-ins with the law and paparazzi.  The celebrities mentioned her all received large amounts of publicity, but I feel their acts were cries for help.  Catherine Zeta-Jones, however, admits to a problem and is taking the proper steps to come out stronger than ever.

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